If opportunity doesn't knock will you turn around and give up? Or Will you go ahead and build a door?

The meaning of the quote is that you should not sit around waiting forever for a great opportunity to find you -- sometimes you have to take initiative to increase your chances of encountering opportunities.

Recently, I read a story about an Indian couple in South Korea, who suffered tremendous loss in their garment business. They persevered and came back to Gurgaon, India where they started a stall of homemade food. Stoically facing the challenges, they created opportunities instead of waiting for one.

Most of us just need to create our opportunities. It’s straightforward enough to take matters in hand and build your roads. But the process is not easy or effortless and is full of pitfalls and obstacles. You have to overcome your fears and self-doubt. Getting out of your comfort zone is the most difficult journey, but every effort brings you closer to self-discovery and new opportunities. Until you find the courage to undertaking beyond your vision, your life cannot take a magical turn. The efforts are always worth a million avenues opening up.

Have you ever asked yourself where you are headed in life?

It is time to get to know yourself, to visualize and have a conversation with yourself. Continuous self-articulation is the best way to clear your thoughts and mind set. It makes you realize your happiness points and creates environs of comfortable understanding. Once you have a clear picture of your plus and minus points, you are on the right path to create opportunities.

Don’t have fears of being judged as you embark on your new journey. You will find people who would discourage you and try to be a barrier. Wear blinkers and stride on towards your goal. Failures should be taken as a learning experience and not a warning. Because of these setbacks, you arise stronger, wiser and more learned. Rise like phoenix, stronger than ever.

Never loss your hope, and make a strong bond with yourself,


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